Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our Brave New World: Yes or No?

I can see and sense in many ways, that we are entering a critical phase of development as a species. We can either sustain the transition process that requires fundamental shifts in how we live, how we thing, and how we act in all aspects of society, and all levels of human functioning. Such transitions are full of promise and enormous challenge. Like birthing a new being, there are pressures, contractions, pain, tensions, struggle, ambivalences, and uncertainties. The end may not be known until the process completes.
What we are in as humanity is a state of birth of a new paradigm, beond the intellect, and more than the heart alone can sustain. We need a total commitment from those of us who will lead, and from those who will follow. None of us can beleft out, for as any of us knows, when one of us is in pain and agonizing over their history and inner turmoil, we are all in danger, and need a massiv cleansing to release the toxins and debris of the life that we are emerging from.
Butterflies break out of pupal stage cocoons and emerge after their struggle, which prepares them for their new form.
We oo need to emerge after this struggle, and we can discover how we will be formed and whether it is a creation of beauty or a failure.

Saturday, December 30, 2006


This is my first post. I was inspired by the documentary about Lamonts primary win over Lieberman shown on cable tv today, 1/30/06. I cheered that one. I also0 salute all those whose blogs pushed Lamont to the win.
Keep it up!.